Student Information System -Overview

Student Information System -Overview

Why would a school require a student information system

Overview of a student information system

Since the technology advances on a daily basis it is an honor to inform the public on the inventory and modification that has taken place to boost and support individuals at accessing information without any sweats.

Student Information System is a website modified by a self-motivated and innovative gentleman Sangolenkosi Hlongwane, to assist mostly Learners,teachers,parents and even the school to function.Learners are being assisted by this information system as it enables them to check their debts online without visiting the school clerk.This is an advantage as it decrease some work to be done by school clerks and it is proficient.

To list further, teachers are removed the baggage of using ink and paper to write students reports card as the website allows them to report online and print. Writing students reports card is one of the tiresome task done by teachers as it require certain calculation here and there.

Moreover the website automatically informs the parents about the presence and absence of their children and this alarms parents whom their children bunks school or other some particular lessons. Also parents get to know all the meetings to take place at school without the students reminding them,hence the website serves as a notice or reminder to parents, playing a very communicative role between school and parents.

The school also starts functioning properly as the website takes the place of writing down on papers which is so ancient in our day and age. ln some cases of emergencies the school reports immediately through the website spreading the message to the intended people at the same time rather than calling a meeting to as to reach the target.

The modified “Student Information System is the one that the world have been longing for to accommodate their technological misfortunes.

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